In Perspective with Claudio Muruzabal
The “In Perspective Series with Claudio Muruzabal” is where the president of SAP Latin Americas & Caribbean, Claudio Muruzabal, interviews innovators and celebrities to discuss many topics ranging from new perspectives of technological innovations to book recommendations. The series has 10 chapters and features prominent figures such as professional golfer Ernie Els, prestigious winemaker Susana Balbo, Junior Achievement CEO Asheesh Advani, and Oscar-winning film director Juan Jose Campanella. This series won a silver award at the 2020 Telly Awards as well as a gold dotCOMM Award for Video Series.
An international series is a big challenge that not all production companies can execute. Thanks to our highly efficient multicountry services we are able to produce this series working from Argentina, Mexico, Brazil, Miami, and Orlando – always using a local crew and improving the production identity and uniformed realization.
Video Production, Live Streaming, Content Strategy, Video Editing
In Perspective Series